
Monday, July 19, 2010

Coming back from holidays....and the empanadas recipe that I owe!!!

Showing the filling

Sun-dried tomatoes and basil.....

Blogging again....After a much needed holidays, I am back again.....

I found that not only is difficult to disconnect, but also to reconnect. I have arrived few days ago, but only today I could seat and read my favorite cooking blogs, and could post the empanadas that  we shared with my Spaniard friends.

I wish I could have spent more time in the Mountains. At least, I have arrived relaxed and prepared for the coming months.

I like all type of empanadas. However, long time ago I have tried in Buenos Aires two types of oven empanadas that I really like them. One is filled with cheese and fried onions, and the other is filled with cheese, basil and sun-dried tomatoes. Those are the empanadas I made for our friends.....and they love them too!!

Here goes the recipe:

500 grams of flour
200 grams of butter (cold)
1 egg
3 spoons of white wine
1/2 teaspoon of salt
Very hot milk as needed

To make a creamy filling that does not escape from the empanadas while in the oven, I make a bechamel type sauce.
1 cup of milk
1 1/2 spoon of corn flour
Pinch of salt
350 grams of shredded cheese (I use mozzarella)
1 onion cut in juliana already fried in olive oil
Sun-dried tomatoes already soaked and cut in little pieces
1 egg

Mix the flour and salt. Incorporate the butter in pieces and mix together with a pastry cutter until the butter is incorporated and the mixture is crumbly. Integrate the egg and white wine into the mixture. Add very hot (almost careful!!!) milk little by little until you have a dough that is soft and dry, and can be work with a roller pin. Work the dough with a roller pin, and let it rest in the fridge for 30 minutes.

Mix the milk, corn flour and salt. Cook it at low heat until a sauce is made. Let it cool. Once is cooled, incorporate the cheese. 

Once the dough has been rested, pass it through a pasta maker machine. To make empanadas, I use thicknes number three. Cut it in circles, then in one-half, apply the filling cheese (around 1 spoon), and on top of that put either fried onions or a mix of chopped basils and sun-dried tomatoes. Fold it to make empanada shape, and before seal it, apply egg white on the border to properly close the empanadas. Press with a fork. On top, brush it with a egg yolk to have a golden color.

Put the empanadas in a pre-heated oven at 400F for 30 minutes or until golden and cooked. Enjoy!!

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