
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Strawberry Gelatine and Mousse....nice combination....

It seems that today is a sweet day, many blogs are posting delicious sweet treats!!; therefore, I want to contribute to make this day a very sweet one with a dessert that I like very much. It is a Strawberry Gelatine with Strawberry Mousse.......Enjoy it!!

Also, I was starting to write this post, when I knew that a dear friend from this blog world Amandita from La Cocina de Amandita is celebrating her Happy Birthday!!.....and we are all happy singing with her aaapioooo-veerrrdeeee-tuuu-yuuuu If you don't know her blog, then I recomend you to visit it. It is full of wonderful recipes.....

450 grams of strawberries (I used fresh, but it can be frozen)
75 grams of sugar (more or less depending on your taste)
3 spoons of Rosewater
Gelatine (you have to measure it after the strawberries are cooked. It is 1 teaspoon of gelatine per cup of cooked strawberries)
350 ml of whipping cream
2 spoons of powder sugar
Vanilla drops

Wash the fresh strawberries, cut them in slices and put them in a pot. Cover them with sugar and rosewater, and cook them for 7 minutes. Let it cool.

Once the strawberries are cold, blend them in a blender. This pure should give you around four cups of strawberries pure. Put two and a half cups back in the pot. In the meantime, measure one teaspoon of gelatine per cup of strawberries (in this case two and a half teaspoons of gelatine), cover it with cold water, and let it hydrated. Start heating the strawberries, and add the gelatine. Once it starts boiling, turn down the heat and let it boil for three minutes. Turn it off the stove, and let it cool. Once it is cold, serve it in the glasses that you like it at half. Put it in the refrigerator. I have done this recipe twice, and for me one teaspoon of gelatine makes this portion very hard. The second time, I added less gelatine and the result was softer. It is up to your taste and preference the quantity of gelatine to be used. 

I saw months ago a blog with a similar dessert, but with mascarpone cheese instead of whipping cream, and they put the strawberry gelatine inclinated. I took the idea of doing that shape, but I don't remember the blog. If it happens that you have seen it, then let me know to give it the appropriate credits  :). I put the glasses inclinated over a tray in the refrigerator to have that shape.

I found where I saw this idea.....the recipe use mascarpone and I used whipping cream    you can translate with is a wonderful blog!!!

Put the remaining one and a half cup of the blended strawberries in a pan. In the meantime, measure one teaspoon of gelatine per cup of strawberries (in this case one and a half teaspoons of gelatine), cover it with cold water, and let it hydrated. Start heating the strawberries, and add the gelatine. Once it starts boiling, turn down the heat and let it boil for three minutes. Turn it off the stove, and let it cool. In this case, and in both times that i made it, I used the amount of gelatine suggested because this portion has a cream.

Beat the whipping cream with the powder sugar (more or less up to your taste), and add the vanilla drops. Once the cream is very firm, add the cold blended strawberries. Fold it with softness, and put over the gelatine strawberry once this one is firm. You can put the glass upright now.

Use some sliced strawberries to decorate along with mint leaves.....Enjoy it!!


  1. Precious and inviting! I love it.

    have a wonderful day :D

  2. Mari.....I'm glad you like it!!.....Have a fantastic day too!!......Abrazotes, Marcela

  3. Yo pensaba cuando vi tu receta
    Hay magia en el blos de Marcela
    después de leer encontré tu magia
    Se ven tan hermosas tus copas de frutilla que me daría mucha pena comerlas
    están muy lindas y creo que la recamuy buena

  4. Mi niña,que delicia de copa,para este fin de semana me viene ideal,todo un lujazo de copa,me llevo tu receta y tengo algo para ti en mi blog,cuando puedas ven a visitarme,un besito wuapa y buen fin de semana.
