
Friday, May 13, 2011

Quinoa Carrot Cream and Light Frittatas....Recipes for Mamas Cocinera y Especiales

Quinoa Carrot Cream

It seems that blogger did not like my lobster pasta!!.....hahahahaha!!.....they said they will restore  the comments...If blogger does not restore them, then I will post them manually.....Thanks for your kind words in the previous post!!!!

Today, I want to share some recipes for the contest that I'm hosting (I'm going to contribute with recipes to my contest, but I will not participate in the award....hahaha.....)

These are very easy and tasty recipes.....I hope you like them!!

These recipes will be in the booklet of:

Quinoa Carrot Cream

2 cups of baby carrots
3/4 cup of cooked quinoa (measured after cooked)
Olive oil
Mushrooms for garnish (if you want)

Wash and cook the baby carrots. When the carrots are cooked, puree them in a blender with milk. Use milk until you have the consistency you want for it (I use 1 cup of milk). Put it back in a pot, add the quinoa, and season it with salt, oregano and olive oil. Simmer at low heat for 5 minutes to blend the flavours. Serve it and decorate it with sautee mushroom and olive oil on top. Enjoy!


Light Frittata Dishes 

Frittata is made with cream, a lot of eggs, and cheese. I have made a light version to lower the calories intake.  These dishes can be used as a side dish, or cold for a picnic.

Vegetables and Parmiggiano Cheese Light Frittata

3 cups of cooked and cut veggies (I used broccoli, cauliflower, orange and yellow carrots)
4 eggs
1/2 cup of milk
50 grams of Parmiggiano cheese
Olive oil

Beat the eggs with the milk. Add the Parmiggiano cheese, salt, pepper, and oregano. Mix it with the cooked veggies.

Brush an oven proof dish (round one) with olive oil. Place this mix and bake it at 435F for 20 minutes, or until cooked. Enjoy!


Vegetables, Rice and Parmiggiano Cheese Light Frittata

2 cups of cooked and cut veggies (I used broccoli, cauliflower, orange and yellow carrots)
1 cup of cooked rice (you can use leftover rice)
4 eggs
1/2 cup of milk
50 grams of Parmiggiano cheese
Olive oil

Beat the eggs with the milk. Add the Parmiggiano cheese, salt, pepper, and oregano. Mix it with the cooked veggies, and cooked rice. 

Brush an oven proof dish (round one) with olive oil. Place this mix and bake it at 435F for 20 minutes, or until cooked. Enjoy!


Rice, Spinach, Feta and Parmiggiano Cheese Light Frittata

2 cups of cooked rice
1 cup of cooked spinach
4 eggs
1/2 cup of milk
50 grams of Parmiggiano cheese
75 grams of Feta Cheese
Olive oil

Beat the eggs with the milk. Add the Parmiggiano cheese, crumbled feta cheese, salt, pepper, and oregano. Mix it with the cooked rice and spinach. 

Brush an oven proof dish (round one) with olive oil. Place this mix and bake it at 435F for 20 minutes, or until cooked. 


Also, I want to thanks all the bloggers friends that have sent recipes to my contest....Thank you so much!!

Some of the recipes have disappear in this blogger Tsunami, but I hope we will recover them.....If you recipe is not listed, then let me posts are still shaking after this situation!!
  1. Pures Multicolores  
  2. Tallarines de Tomates y Verduras
  3. Risotto de Betarragas
  4. Pure de Vegetales
  5. Gelatina de Yoghurt
  6. Olleta
  7. Frutos Rojos con Mascarpone y Crujiente de Chocolate
  8. Muffins de Chocolate y Platano
  9. Mousse de Yogurt y Mango
  10. Cremas de Alcachofa con Huevos Poche
  11. Cazuela de Arroz con Marisco
  12. Ensalada Tibia de Pescado
  13. Falsa Pizza de Calabaza
  14. Batido de Frutas con Nata
  15. Tartas de Polenta con Arandanos
  16. Mousse de Escalibada
  17. Crema de Coliflor a la Hierbabuena
  18. Crema de Zanahorias
  19. Mini Hamburguesas o Mini Filetes
  20. Tronco de Patata Relleno de Hojas y Queso
  21. Crema de Esparragos Blancos
  22. Pink Shake
  23. Papas en Verbena
  24. Quinoa con Verduras al Horno
  25. Pastel de Verduras
  26. Timbal de Patatas con Atun
  27. Bollos de Aceite
  28. Galletitas Integrales de Chocolate
  29. Crema de Tomates Asados para Mamas Cocineras y Especiales
  30. Isla de la Merluza
  31. Sopa de Pasta y Verdura a la Italiana
  32. Tarta de Queso y Limon con Galletas y Frutos Secos
  33. Crema de Calabacin
  34. Semola de Trigo con Almendras
  35. Palitos de Salmon Rebozados
  36. Crema de Brocoli y Zanahoria
  37. Crema de Acelgas con Fideos de Huevo

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