
Friday, May 3, 2013

Mango Almond Meringue Cake.....

Finally no more snow!!....yupiiiiii....for the first time I wanted the spring to arrive, and we are having a lovely weather....

This cake is very easy to make, but the cream was not as expected. In some blogs, I read that by beating 10% cream when it is almost frozen, and adding some gelatin  can be a good substitute for   whipping cream. I follow the instructions, and didn't work. Therefore, I added more gelatine (I forgot how many!!), and I ended up with a mango cream similar to a zuppa inglesa. It was good, but not as expected. Therefore, don't do the cream! part of history!!

Mango Almond Meringue Cake

For the almond meringue
1 1/2 cup of egg white (room temperature) for three meringue discs
1 1/2 cups of sugar
1 tablespoon of cornstarch
A pinch of cremor tartar
A pinch of salt
1/2 spoon of baking powder
3/4 cup of sliced almonds

Beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt until they are very stiff. In a rainy motion add 1 cup of sugar, then the cornstarch, cremor tartar, and baking powder (in that order). Continue beating, and in a rainy motion add the 1/2 cup of sugar. Beat until sugar is dissolved, and the egg white is very very stiff. Stop beating it. With a wooden spoon (if it has a hole better!) carefully add (in a rainy motion) the sliced almonds, and incorporate it well.

Preheat the oven to 230 F, and divide the meringue in three circles of 24 diameters each over a parchment paper. Cook for 2 hours at 100C, and let them cool in the oven without opening its door.

For the filling
2 cups of 10% cream (almost frozen)
4 tablespoons of powder sugar (more if you want)
A lot of gelatine (soak in cold water and dissolved with hot water)
1 cup of mango pulp
sliced mango for decoration

Whip the frozen cream. Because it will not be very stiff, add dissolved gelatine. Continue to adding more gelatine, and gelatine, and gelatine.....add the mango pulp, and the sugar. Place a meringue disc, and mango cream. Continue with the other two meringue discs. Decorate with sliced mangoes. ...IT WAS GOOD!!.....BUT NOT AS EXPECTED!!

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1 comment:

  1. Des recettes très tentantes. Très bon anniversaire et longue vie à ton blog.
    A bientôt
