
Sunday, May 24, 2020

Strawberry Charlotte

Another great recipe from the Chef Bruno Albouze.....I made a mistake...I brushed the ladyfingers to early with strawberry punch.....they fall into the ended up better!

Strawberry Charlotte adapted from Chef Bruno Albouze (original video here  )


3 egg whites
3 egg yolks 
100 grams of sugar
100 grams of flour
1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar
1 teaspoon vanilla paste

Strawberry punch

45 grams of sugar
60 grams of water
300 grams of strawberries
1/2 lemon juice

Bavarian cream

250 ml of milk
250 ml of cream
1 teaspoon vanilla paste
120 grams of sugar
3 eggs (original recipe use 6 egg yolks)
7 gelatine sheets
200 ml of whipping cream

Strawberry filling

210 grams of strawberry plus the remaining strawberry punch
1 gelatine sheet

Strawberries for topping


Measure your cake ring, and draw a rectangle on a parchment paper

beat the egg whites until foamy. Add the sugar, and add the cream of tartar. Slowly add the egg yolks and fold them. Add the flour and fold them. 

With a pipe, make ladyfingers. In another parchment paper, make a circle with the ladyfinger  batter in a size of your mould. Dust them with icing sugar. Bake them at 250 F for 12 minutes.

Make the bavarian cream. Whipp the 200 ml of whipping cream and set aside in a cold place, Heat the milk and cream along with the vanilla paste. In another bowl, beat the sugar with eggs. Incorporate this mixture in the warm milk, and cook it. Place the gelatine sheets in cold water. Once the vanilla mixture is cooked, add the gelatine sheets. Let it cool, and mix with the whipping cream.

Make the strawberry punch. Once the ladyfingers and the charlotte base are baked and cooled, brush them with strawberry punch. 

Chopp the strawberries, and add them to the remaining punch. Add 1 gelatine sheet dissolved. Set aside.

Place the base in the mould cake, and the lady fingers around. Add some bavarian cream. Then add the remaining punch/strawberry mix, then add the remaining bavarian cream. Decorate with strawberries. Let it cool in the fridge for 6 hours or until set firm. It is delicious!


  1. Tell me when should I come over for the afternoon tea? LOL The cake looks splendid!

  2. Absolutely yummy, my dear!wait for me tomorrow at breakfast, Marcela, many many kisses.

  3. Hola Marce! Tanto tiempo! ¿Cómo va todo? por lo visto, sigues cocinando delicias. Yo vengo poco por aquí, pero es un gusto ver que las amigas siguen con los blogs. Un abrazote

    1. Hola Pame, gracias por verdad muy bien y bastante ocupada con las cosas de la vida....pero sin problemas....espero estes muy bien.....Abrazotes, Marcela
