
Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Grissini, Pesto bread and Rosemary crackers

I love any type of breads, and I make them during weekends to eat with salads, soup or some appetizers.


1 cup warm water
2 teaspoons dry baker's yeast
1/2 tablespoon sourdough
1/2 tablespoon Honey
270 g flour
1 teaspoon Salt
35 ml Extra virgin olive oil
Chili flakes and dry herbs

Mix warm water together with honey and yeast. Let it rest for ten minutes until the mixture looks foamy. Add the flour, salt, oil and mix with it until you get a dough that does not stick. Adjust for flour or water as necessary.

Leave it to rise in a warm place for one  hour. With a roll pin, stretch it into a wide rectangle. Sprinkle with chili flakes and herbs. With a very sharp knife cut strips, seal them and twist them. Place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

Let it rise again for another 30-45 minutes. Bake them in a ptreheated oven at 200ÂșC  for 20 minutes, sprinkling them halfway with water in a sprayer.

Pesto bread

1 cup warm water or more if needed
1/2 teaspoon of sugar
1 teaspoons yeast
3 tablespoons of sourdough starter
2 1/2 cups flour 
2 tablespoon olive oil
1 1/2 teaspoon salt
Pesto as needed
Grated cheese as needed

Mix the water, sugar, and yeast. Let it make a foam for 10 minutes.  Mix all the dry ingredients. Combine all the ingredients (including sourdough), and kneed them for 10 minutes until you have  a dough that it is not sticky. Adjust for flour or water if needed.

Let it rise for 1 hour and punch it. Let it rise for another hour. With a roll pin, make a big rectangle. Spread the pesto, and the grated cheese. Roll it. Make a cut in the middle. and braid it. Brush it with olive oil. Let it rise for 1 hour. bake i at 375F for 30 minutes or until golden brown. ENJOY!

Rosemary crackers

Fresh rosemary washed and chopped (about 2 teaspoons)
150 g of water
2 teaspoon dry yeast
1 tablespoon of sourdough
400 g of flour
60 g of extra virgin olive oil
1 ½ teaspoons of salt 

Mix all ingredients until you have a firm not sticky dough. Let it rest for 2 hours. With a roll pin, make a big rectangle, and cut them in squares. Bake them at 375F for 12 minutes until golden brown. ENJOY!

And of course....I love Naan!!



  1. wow so many amazing treats! I love every single one. Those crackers look super adorable and I adore rosemary. Excellent job!

  2. I can only imagine how good these wonderful breads and crackers taste. The pesto and cheese filling looks amazing and the rosemary crackers sound divine. Lucky ones who got to eat them.
