
Sunday, February 7, 2021

Celebrating Chinese New Year.....Fortune cookies!

I know.....the official day for the Chinese New Year is February 12th, 2021......However, we already started to celebrate it with know.....I celebrate everything!!.....I know fortune cookies are not part of the traditional Chinese New Year, but I make them for fun, and because they are delicious!!

Fortune cookies

100 g plain flour
100 g egg whites, at room temperature
90 g icing sugar
50 g butter, melted
½ tsp vanilla essence
60 g water

Make your own "fortune" wishes, or search them in the internet. Cut them in short stripes and fold them. Set aside.

With a hand blender, beat egg whites and sugar, until they are well combine. Add water, melted butter, and vanilla essence, and combine it well. Add flour, and combine it well to avoid lumps. You will end up with a whiteish mix.

Preheat the oven at 350F. On a baking tray, place a piece of parchment paper or silicone. Place a tablespoon of the mix, and flatten it in a round motion. I make three at the time. When they are golden, about 7 minutes in the oven, take them out, place a fortune paper, fold it in half, and curve it in half with the help of the border of a mug. Place them in muffin tray to maintain the shape. BE have to do it while they are hot because once they get cool is impossible to shape them. 

This year is the year of the ox....and when it was the Pig Chinese Year, I made the pig cookies from Hilmar

Use your imagination....this year I made cows.....they don't look really like cows....but they are delicious!!



  1. These are super fun to make, esp. those pigs...are freaking adorable. Well done!

  2. What a fun post and your little cows are adorable. Where is the recipe to make them? My grandkids would love to make them.
