This blog has been my best Psychotherapy....not only has helped when I needed as an escape valve, but also has make me discover that I love to make French Pastries....something a couple years ago I never thought I could do
I'm so proud of this tarte....please look how flaky is this puff pastry!
Please Santa Claus!!.....bring me this book for Christmas....I will be so happy!!
When I found this recipe in a Patisserie Book in the Public Library, immediately I knew I had to make it. I read that this is the real dough to make my favorite Galette de Rois. This pastry is called Feuilletage Inverse and it has a lot of butter.....
The right side of my mind was telling me....please do not do it!!....after a couple of extra pounds you will regret it!!
The left side of my mind was telling it do it do it!!....who cares about those extra pounds when you taste a tarte like this....
And here is the recipe:
Feuilletage Inverse (from the book Patisserie: Mastering the Fundamentals of French Pastry"
500 grams of butter
500 grams of flour
150 ml cold water
18 grams fleur de sal
Dissolve fleur de sal with water and vinegar. Reserve.
Melt 150 grams of butter. Let it cool.
Sift 350 grams of flour in the water. Mix it well. Add the dissolved butter, and knead until smooth. Make a rectangle, cover it with plastic papers, and chill for 2 hours. This dough is called détrempe
Dice the remaining 375 grams of butter, and mix it with the remaining flour. It is very difficult to work because this dough is very buttery; therefore, I sprinkle some flour on the table I was working. Make a rectangle, and chill this dough for 2 hours.
Place this dough, and in the middle the détrempe. See the differences in color....
Fold the bottom and the top edge to close the détrempe. Close the sides
Roll out
Fold the bottom and the top edge to close
Fold it again to make a double fold
Chill for 3 hours, and repeat the same steps again. You will end up with a soft dough like the one below
I weight, and divided this dough in three equal parts. I use one part for this tarte, and the other two are frozen to make a Gallete des Rois.....
Roll the dough to a thickness of about 3mm, and place it in your desired oven pan
100 grams of Raspberries
1 Apple
50 grams of butter
100 grams of sugar
2 eggs
100 grams grinded almonds
Almond essence
1 tablespoon of corn starch
Wash your raspberries. Reserve. Peel off the apple and slice it. Reserve.
Beat the creamy butter with almonds, sugar, corn starch, almond essence and eggs. Fill the pan, and arrange the apples and raspberries.
Bake in a preheated oven a 375F for 35-40 minutes, or until the cream is set, and the dough is cooked and flaky.....ENJOY!!!!
yo no estoy a dieta asique un buen trozo para mi MArcela! jaja, me encanta con las frutas, se ve super rica y apetecible. un beso y buen finde