Monday, April 8, 2019

Cassiss Ice Cream in Vanilla Sauce

In Canada, I had my vegetable garden. After the snow melted, I began to work the land to plant it ...... my garden gave me everything ........ I used to harvest tomatoes, lettuce, potatoes, Swiss chard, spinach, carrots, onions. ..... even artichokes!

But what we planted as bushes, was Cassiss ..... and we harvested to make cakes, cakes, jams and ice creams ..... that undoubtedly became our favorite dessert ....
 Cassiss flowers


Cassiss Ice Cream in Vanilla Sauce

Cassiss Ice Cream

200 grams of cassiss

1 lemon

80 grams of sugar (more to taste)

1 cup of whipping cream

Sugar impalpable if you need

Mix the cassiss (previously washed) with the lemon juice and the sugar. Let it marinate 15 minutes and cook over medium heat for 15 minutes. Let cool. Pass through blender and through a fine sieve to remove seeds.

Beat the cream with whipped cream. Add the cassiss syrup. Adjust sugar if necessary. Place in ice cream machine.

Vanilla sauce

2 egg yolks

1.5 cup of milk

1 teaspoon vanilla paste

4 tablespoons of sugar

1 tablespoon cornstarch

Mix 1 cup of milk with the vanilla and bring to a boil. Let warm,

Mix egg yolks with 1/2 cup of milk, cornstarch and sugar. Add the warm milk and bring to a boil over medium heat until it thickens. Let cool

Serve vanilla sauce in a deep dish and in the middle 1 or 2 scoops of ice cream .... enjoy !!

1 comment:

  1. wow You are a great gardener! Cassiss ice cream is definitely a something special and sounds really great paired with classic vanilla sauce.
