Sunday, December 10, 2023

Lemond curd cookies and Pistachio cookies

 At the end of the year, I clean my freezer. If it is salty, then I make a quiche, and if it is sweet, then I make cookies.

I found lemon curd and pistachio cream in the freezer, and I had orange syrup leftover from when I made candied oranges.....combining with the right proportion, and the cookies turn out to be delicious!

Lemon curd cookies

3/4 cup of lemon curd 

2 cups of flour 

2 eggs

70 grams of butter

1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder

4 tablespoons orange syrup

zest of 1 lemon

Combine the butter, eggs, and orange syrup. Beat it well until is creamy. Add the eggs and lemon curd. Mix it well. Add the baking powder, lemon zest and flour. If needed, add some water. My dough didn't need it. Make a cylinder and freeze it for 1 hour. Cut slices, and place a pistachio as a decoration. Bake it a 365F for 15 minutes or until golden brown. Enjoy!

Pistachio cookies

3/4 cup of pistachio paste

2 cups of flour 

2 eggs

60 grams of butter

1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder

6 tablespoons orange syrup

Combine the butter, eggs, and orange syrup. Beat it well until is creamy. Add the eggs and pistachio paste. Mix it well. Add the baking powder,  and flour. If needed, add some water. My dough didn't need it. Make a ball and freeze it for 1 hour. With your hands make small balls, and flatten them with your hands. make an indentation with a fork. Bake it a 365F for 15 minutes or until golden brown. Enjoy!


  1. They look wonderful, I love both pistachios and lemon curd. These cookies are perfect for holidays too.

  2. Years ago I used to buy lemon curd spread and your post has reawakened my memory of the taste.

  3. Quiche is very loved in our family :-)) but I love cookies even more when they are particularly beautifully made.
    Your recipes are wonderful... I'll try... I'll love it - the biscuit treat and a coffee with it.
    Many thanks.
    A warm Advent greeting to you from Viola
