Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Vanilla Ice Cream filled with dulce de leche and covered with chocolate

 I love the combination of vanilla and dulce de leche. Thus, I made duklce de leche at home, and used it to fill home made vanilla ice cream

Home made Dulce de leche

1 lt of milk (higher content of fat)
200 grams whipping cream (35% fat)
270 grams of sugar
1/2 teaspoon of baking soda

Mix all together, and boil it for 1 hour (or more) at medium low heat stirring constantly until gets the texture, color and taste of dulce de leche. In my case, it was 65 minutes.

Vanilla Ice cream

2 eggs

480 grams of cream (35%)

240 grams of milk

140 grams of sugar

3 tablespoons of milk powder

2 teaspoons of vanilla.

Mix everything together and cook over medium low heat until thick. Let it cool. Place it in an ice cream maker for 30 minutes, until gets the appropriate ice cream texture.

In a ice cream mold, fill half with vanilla ice cream, in the middle home made dulce de leche, and cover with more vanilla ice cream. Let it freeze for 2 hours and is a delicious combination!

You can also cover it with chocolate

chocolate cover

200 grams of chocolate
30 grams of coconut oil

Dissolve in a water bath, and place the ice cream. Freeze it for 30 minutes and enjoy!