Sunday, December 13, 2020

Swiss chard Pascualina

 I love swiss chard, and wherever I live, I cultivate them since it is not easy for me to buy them. I had them ready to prepare one of my favorite dishes......

Swiss chard Pascualina

400 grams of swiss chard
3 garlic cloves
olive oil
100 grams of parmiggiano cheese or feta cheese
2 eggs

Wash the swiss chard, chop them and set aside. Chop garlic cloves, and mix it with oregano, eggs, a tablespoon of olive oil, and the cheese. Add the green leaves, and mix it well.


2 cups of all purpose flour
2 tablespoons of white vinegar
1/2 teaspoon of salt
Hot water (necessary)

In a bowl, mix flour with salt, and add vinegar. Mix it well. Add the hot water until you have a smooth and not sticky dough. You can use your roll pin, but I used my pasta machine. Pass from #1 until the finest number possible.  Place it immediately on the pan that you are going to use. Brush it with olive oil between the layers. Once you have the layers you want (I used 4 layers), then place the filling. Cover with 2-3 layers of thin dough. Bake it at 375F for 15 minutes or until golden brown. ENJOY!


  1. Those baby Swiss chard leaves are so tender! The one I can get over here is usually really tough. Your pascualina looks absolutely droolworthy.

  2. Sea de acelgas o de espinacas es una tarta muy rica, el corte se ve muy apetecible. A gusto me comería un trozo.

  3. La receta muy sencilla y rica con ese corte todo un lujo!

  4. Se me escapó el comentario sin despedirme y eso no puede ser...besinos wapa
