Sunday, November 28, 2010

A Journey Through the Blogs Thanks to the Swiss Chard....

I have a fascination for Swiss Chard.......I can eat it raw or cooked.....I'm just happy eating it!!

There are three kind of Swiss Chard here with white, red and yellow stems. I like the white stem better. What are my favourite dishes with Swiss Chard.....Swiss Chard Tortilla and Gratin de Blettes (Swiss Chard Gratin)!!

I don't know the reason, but here Swiss Chard is one of the vegetables that is not available in the supermarket. You find it only at the Farmers Market. I have not been able to make a post about the Farmers Market, but Aldy has an excellent post about it.

Although Swiss Chard Tortilla is my favourite, I wanted to try new recipes. Surfing on the internet, I found a recipe that took my attention "Cazuela de Acelgas". It was from Gnomito, she has La Cocina de los Gnomos.....if you have not visited here yet, then I will recommend you to do it. She has wonderful recipes....

I did her Cazuela de Acelgas with pimenton was delicious, and it was a taste that reminded my childhood......

 Cazuela de Acelgas.....a yummy recipe from Gnomito....Thanks Gnomito!!

Nevertheless, one morning I saw in the fantastic blog from Caro Pimiento an appetizing recipe about Swiss Chard stems, and that was another recipe that reminded me my childhood....Caro has a fantastic blog with home made recipes that she cooks with vegetables from her garden.....

My Version of Swiss Chard Stems

However, the Swiss Chard stems was not the only dish that captivated my attention from Caro. She did a Panzanella that blew my mind!!.....Here you have my version......

 The filling.....
 The bread.....
The Panzanella.....Thanks Caro!!

And.....Do you think that the Farmers Market is the only post that I have read from Aldy??....No!!....She is a fantastic cook that reflects her Argentinean heritage with her experience living abroad. As soon as I read her Gnocchi a la Romana, I knew I had to make it. I was right, her version is fantastic. Thanks Aldy!!


OOOOOOO....Where are my Swiss Chard Tortilla and Gratin de Blettes recipes????....They will be for the next post......Enjoy!!

1 comment:

  1. Guau, no sabía que había acelgas de colores!! Qué preciosidad...
